+39 02 8718 8553 sales@tanaza.com

Free high-quality Wi-Fi in UK’s high street brands


High-quality Wi-Fi has now become a mainstream service in many UK high street brands.High-quality Wi-Fi has now become a mainstream service in many UK high street brands. - UK shopping streets

As a result of a research study released by Devicescape on November of last year titled “Making Connections: Wi-Fi on the UK High Street”, a list of the top high-street brands offering free high-quality Wi-Fi was published. The rankings were based on the quality of a connection, usage and accessibility to the network. Although free Wi-Fi is often associated with food and entertainment industries, the retail sector is not far behind and high-quality Wi-Fi is a service currently being offered in many stores across the UK. (more…)

Direct e-mail marketing to your Wi-Fi clients: integrate Tanaza and Mailchimp

Mailchimp Connector – now, you can integrate Tanaza and Mailchimp.

This guide helps users to set up a new SSID, customize the splash page for authentication, collect a large number of e-mail addresses and send them to their Mailchimp account. Through Mailchimp, they can trigger automated e-mails, both time-based and event-based, and increase conversions.

Read the article about how to collect e-mails through WiFi and import them to Mailchimp >>

Data export from Tanaza to Salesforce CRM

Now, you can export data from Tanaza to Salesforce CRM!

Salesforce data loader allows simulteneous upload of thousands of records (more than 50,000 rows, even with opportunities).

If you have to upload max 50,000 records (without opportunities) you can use the Salesforce Wizard.

For advanced users: you can large batches of data through Workbench or Jitterbit.

Read the article: integration between Salesforce and Tanaza WiFi >>