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McDonald’s censors its public Wi-Fi networks


Thanks to Enough Is Enough, the anti-porn advocacy group, McDonald’s has started blocking public Wi-Fi networks to keep users from accessing pornographic websites

Since 2014, anti-porn advocacy group Enough Is Enough has been campaigning McDonald’s to censor its public Wi-Fi access. Thanks to the efforts of the group, in early 2016, McDonald’s enabled explicit-content filtering technology in approximately 14,000 of its U.S. restaurant chains. Although McDonald’s representatives declared that they were not aware of the fact that some of their customers were accessing porn websites through their free public Wi-Fi networks, the restaurant claims it started to filter its public Wi-Fi networks across the U.S as soon as they were informed about the ilicit activities happening on their public networks. Following McDonald’s example, Starbucks revealed that it will implement content filters through its public Wi-Fi networks as well. (more…)

Wireless LAN design according to your project


Wireless LAN design is far from easy, especially due to the many issues that you could run into when deploying it.

Nowadays, Wi-Fi is really easy to access and people expect to be connected and interconnected to each other, without any limits. Enterprises’ demands for powerful WLANs are skyrocketing because of new trends like Intenet of Things, BYOD, BYONetc. and WLAN experts now face problems with capacity and network security. Designing a WLAN is resulting in more difficulty than ever before. (more…)

Facebook launches OpenCellular – a new wireless access platform


On July 6th, 2016, Facebook introduced OpenCellular – an open-source wireless access platform, to improve connectivity in remote areas of the world.

Facebook’s efforts at improving connectivity infrastructure in remote areas became a reality when the company introduced OpenCellular, a technology developed to facilitate network deployment. This cost-effective, software-defined wireless access platform is designed so that those with low technical expertise can successfully deploy networks, and for technical experts to monitor and run the platform remotely. Facebook recently revealed that it plans to open-source the hardware design, the firmware and the control software of this system, enabling telecom operators, entrepreneurs, researchers and OEMs to build their own versions of the hardware. So that everyone can benefit from this technology, Facebook plans to work together with Telecom Infra Project, to build an active open source community and to select trial locations in order to establish the technical, functional, and operational aspects of the platform. (more…)

How fast hotel Wi-Fi keeps visitors coming back

Hoteliers are now offering fast hotel Wi-Fi along with personalized services to improve their guests’ overall satisfaction.

Nowadays, hotel guests have great expectations of hotel services. A warm welcome and a hospitable staff are not enough to provide a high-standard customer experience at the hotel. People are used to being connected anytime, anywhere, with multiple devices. As a result, hotels without fast Wi-Fi are less likely to keep clients coming back. (more…)

Facebook’s 5G plan for the ultra-fast wireless network experience


Facebook, who recently announced its willingness to provide Wi-Fi connectivity to underdeveloped areas, now plans to compete with telecom companies by offering a cheaper and ultra-fast wireless network experience.

Facebook is no longer just a social network. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, has demonstrated he is eager to make headway in developing a more interconnected world. He contributes through different initiatives, like the creation of “Internet.org” in 2013. Zuckerberg’s latest project aims to develop the 5G network, thanks to WiGig technology, a wireless communication system that transmits data at 7Gbps in the 60GHz frequency.


SES and Facebook provide high-speed Internet to Sub-Saharan Africa


Lo scorso aprile, uno dei principali operatori satellitari privati ​​a livello mondiale, la Société Européenne des Satellites, SES, ha annunciato un accordo con Facebook per fornire Internet ad alta velocità a 14 paesi dell’Africa subsahariana. Questa iniziativa fa parte del programma “Facebook’s Express Wi-Fi” all’interno  dell’iniziativa Internet.org .

Secondo Mark Zuckerberg, “la connettività è un diritto umano “, motivo per cui sostiene l’iniziativa “Internet.org” che promuove l’accesso ai servizi Internet nei paesi in via di sviluppo. A tal fine, Facebook e SES collaboreranno per fornire connettività a banda larga ad alta velocità nell’Africa sub-sahariana utilizzando 3 satelliti, ASTRA 2G, ASTRA 3B e ASTRA 4. SES fornirà a Facebook una certa quantità di capacità di transponder, combinata con un servizio che include funzionalità quali sicurezza, miglioramento del protocollo, hosting e data center. (more…)