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upgrade your MikroTik device
Tanaza released a new firmware to increase the overall performance of the Tanaza powered access points.

While almost all of the access points supported by Tanaza were available with the latest firmware version, some access points required a longer process to be developed and upgraded.

Up until recently, the MikroTik devices were part of the second group. However, we are happy to announce that the firmware is now available for them too!

One of the biggest improvements on the latest firmware release is the Captive Portal engine performance, specifically for access points configured with the Captive-on-LAN feature (sometimes called “Gateway” feature). This feature allows our customers to use a Tanaza powered access point as a gateway by adding Tanaza Hotspot management features to an already existing Wi-Fi network.

The problem often faced when using Tanaza as a gateway is that it could lead to a block in the performance funnel. In fact,  due to many connection requests coming from the third part access points, only one Tanaza powered device was left to manage all network. Thanks to the huge performance improvement introduced in our latest firmware, you will no longer have to deal with this issue and you can now make the most of your MikroTik access point.

Upgrade now your MikroTik devices to get higher performances from your Tanaza!


If you don’t know how to upgrade your Tanaza firmware, read this article for more info.